Free Shipping on Orders $35+


30-Day Returns Policy

You may return most new, unopened items sold and fulfilled by RTIC within 30 days of delivery for a full refund, subject to our return policy and guidelines listed below. During the holidays, items shipped by RTIC between November 1st and December 31st can be returned until January 31st.

Any orders returned with a retail value of $500 or more or will be charged a restocking fee of 15%.

All sales on MyRTIC Personalized Products are final - We do not offer refunds on personalized products.

All sales on cases are final - Returns will not be accepted for items sold by the case.

All returns including warranty returns must be processed through our Online Return Center.

Returns Are Easy: We will provide you with a prepaid shipping label to send your items back.

Refunds will be returned only to the original form of payment. Most refunds are fully refunded in 3-5 days after we receive and process your return. All returned merchandise must be unused and returned in the original packaging.

This return policy only applies to products purchased directly from RTIC. RTIC does not accept returns on items purchased outside of or sold by third parties on

If you want to exchange an item, please return your item(s) for a full refund and place a new order for the correct item.

All returns including warranty returns must be processed through our Online Return Center. If your return claim is approved, you will receive a Return Merchandise Number that must be included on the outside of the shipping box with your return(s).

Prepare and ship your return

After you've followed the prompts in the Online Returns Center:

Prepare your package for return - Pack your item securely, inserting any paperwork that was included when you requested your return from the Online Returns Center. If you don't have the original product packaging, use a sturdy box and include padding such as packing bubbles or newspaper. Attach your return label to the package. Ship your return based on the shipping label provided.

To begin your return process, click here.

  • All refunds will be processed to the original credit card upon receipt and inspection of the returned merchandise
  • No refunds will be given on merchandise returned after 30 days of the original receipt date.
  • This return policy only applies to products purchased directly from RTIC via our website.
  • For any other questions or concerns, please email us at [email protected]

For products purchased directly from retailers, dealers, or other resellers their return policy applies -- please contact them directly for more information. We do not accept returns not purchased directly through our website.

Cancellation & Refused Deliveries

You may cancel your order for a full refund any time prior to shipment. However, once an order ships you will have to follow the returns process if you want to return an item. Any refused deliveries will be charged a return shipping fee equal to the greater of $10 or 15% of the order sales value.
